Sunday, November 17, 2013

Another recipe fail.

This time it's facebook's fault! Haha. I saw a picture of pancake cups. Where supposedly you could bake pancake mix in a muffin tin for 15 minutes at 400 degrees and they would come out with craters in the middle for filling. The picture sure looked delicious! Too bad they came out like pancake muffins! :)

Sometimes things just don't work out! Oh well, they still tasted good with blueberry topping and syrup. 

What a crazy crazy week. Yes, double crazy. We had Monday off for the Veterans Day holiday which was nice to get a three day weekend, but it seems like the rest of the week was dragging along. 

With the time change and the full moon, all the crazy members come out to the branch to do their financial business. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. Hahaha, my coworkers and I like to joke that the full moon week is the worst because everyone wants ridiculous things. It's kind of hard to find an example that translates well, especially through the computer screen. 

One kid, probably 18 or so, gave a coworker a coin slip (we have a coin sorter like a CoinStar machine) and a paycheck. He said he wanted to take $25 from one and $40 from the other to pay towards his credit card and then take some cash back from both and then he rest go into his savings. 

What? That makes no sense! Silly!

It was like no one could articulate what they wanted to do. Sometimes I ask people how they want their cash back, and I get a blank stare in return and then an "I don't know."

Well, I don't know either, so let's just put it in my account, ok? Wouldn't that be lovely? :)

Things are going very well at work, I can't remember if I shared, but I moved to a small public branch in a town close by. Only takes 15 minutes to get to work, at most. Opposed to the 45 it was before when I was working downtown in the big city in a private building. That was a small branch just for the employees of the company where there was no access for the public.

I very much like working at the new branch. I get along really well with all my coworkers, we happen to have an all female branch which is uncommon because most branches have at least one guy. There was a male lender when I transferred there in February but he moved to mortgages and now we have a female lender. Our branch manager is a girl I used to be friends with in high school. We have 2 older ladies, one is a teller, the other is a member services rep. The rest of us are under 30, but we all get along well. 

I hate getting home after dark and it's only 5:30. Ugh. I am already tired, I do not want to be reminded that I need to do the dishes or laundry when there's no light. To make it worse, this house has the worst possible lighting. No room is ever bright enough for me. I feel like I can't see anything! Makes for some interesting "clean" dishes sometimes! 

Enough with the boring details, we're off to my Dad's house for smoked turkey and ribs! Yum! 


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