Sunday, March 20, 2011

10 things...

...i'm thankful for (another entry into emily's giveaway)

my 10 things:

1. my daughter-becoming a mother is all i have striven for in life and now i feel complete.

2. my husband-everyday we take time to acknowledge each other and all that we do to make the craziness work!

3. my family-we are so close and when i was having a less than perfect labor and delivery and then the additional breastfeeding issues, it was awesome how my family rallied with me and my husband and everything worked out in the end.

4. the little things-surprise flowers from the husband, the first green shoots of crocuses, a clear blue sky...little things that let me know god is out there.

5. god-i'm thankful for him and his plan-i know everything will work out alright.

6. chocolate peanut butter combos-be it sandwiches, candy or baked goods, there is no finer combination of flavors than chocolate and peanut butter. i hope that i do not develop a peanut allergy!

7. the things that i have-i mean the material and not material things. it is nice to have a tv, gaming consoles, internet, etc. but i am also so thankful to have a warm home, food on the table and people i love and who love me in return.

8. crafts-i freely admit that i am a procrastinator and "not-finisher" (as in i started that and did not finish it) but i love to work with my hands and to create. i did start and finish two reworkings of jeans and pj pants into skirts this past week-i kept the jeans for me and the pj skirt i gave to my sister.

9. my husbands family-his parents and 11 siblings (i know!) are a blessing and gift. he has 7 sisters and 4 brothers ranging in age from 25 on down to 3. i have learned so much from them. ex: his 3 yo brother stuck a banana on the cordless phone charger and yelled "BANANA PHONE!!!!" funniest thing all week and he reminds me to stop and be silly!

10. blogs-rather, this should say the internet. i love being able to connect with like minded women to share my feelings and concerns. i love having access to so many different opinions and insights on everything from child bearing to home making.


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